Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Boilers" on the North Shore

"North Shore #1"

"North Shore #2"

"North Shore #3" acrylic on canvas paper, 16x20"
Here is the finished triptych I have been working on this week. The term "boilers" refers to the circular reefs found here that when the waves break over them, give the appearance boiling water frothing out over the top. The paintings are each acrylic on paper that is textured with a canvas like finish and I plan on framing them under glass individually but to be hung as a trio. I have also just discovered the the Bermuda Arts Centre that I visited yesterday has an open call for their juried summer show so I have decided to enter some of my recent paintings, fingers crossed!


  1. The post about boilers is informative and it looks amazing

  2. Hi, Niki

    Don't know why, but this reminds of the scene where 'PI' encounters a shoal of jelly fishes in the movie 'life of pi.'

    But i have to say, its a good piece of art work, love it.

    Johnson HVAC
