Friday, November 18, 2011

A Sunny Friday's Work

Finally we had some sunshine today so the light in my studio was much better and therefore so was my mood! Unfortunately, as it's now dark, I think the colours in these photos are a little off but you'll have to forgive me. I went back to the three paintings I did last week to continue with them once the oils had dried enough to work over the surface again. Here is the seascape, it has changed quite a bit -

8x8, oil on board

I haven't thought of a name yet but this painting reminds me of my ferry ride back from Governer's Island a couple of months ago where the view over towards the Brooklyn shoreline was suddenly obscured by a huge storm coming in from the northwest.

The second one, more of emotion based piece, is probably my favourite and definitely reflects my mood this week! I ended up rotating it twice whilst I was painting before I was happy with it's orientation and composition but I particularly like the textures and interplay between the various abstract shapes.

"Fading," oil on board, 8x8"
Click here to purchase this painting

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